Our Blog


Can Dogs Have Dragon Fruit

Can Dogs Have Dragon Fruit Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a vibrant and exotic fruit that has gained popularity for its unique look and potential health benefits. But when it comes to sharing this colorful treat with our canine companions, many pet owners find themselves wondering: can dogs have dragon fruit? In this…


What Causes and How to Treat Blood Blisters on Dog 

What Causes and How to Treat Blood Blisters on Dog Blood blisters, medically known as hematomas, are a common yet alarming issue that dog owners might encounter. These blisters typically appear as raised red or purple spots on the skin and can be caused by a variety of factors. It’s important for pet owners to…


Can Dogs Have Pepper

Can Dogs Have Pepper When it comes to sharing your meals with your dog, it’s important to know which seasonings are safe and which could potentially harm your beloved pet. One common seasoning that often raises questions is pepper. In this blog, we explore whether it’s safe to share dishes seasoned with pepper with your…


What Are the Symptoms of Dog Seizures? 

What Are the Symptoms of Dog Seizures?  If your beloved canine starts acting unusually, it might leave you feeling worried and confused. Understanding dog seizure symptoms is the first step in providing your pet with the care they need. Seizures in dogs can be alarming to witness, but with early recognition and proper veterinary care,…


Dental Disease in Dogs Symptoms

Dental Disease in Dogs Symptoms Dental health is a crucial aspect of your furry friend’s overall well-being. Neglecting pet dental care can lead to a host of problems, including dental disease in dogs. As responsible pet owners, it’s essential to understand the symptoms of dental disease and take proactive steps to prevent it. In this…


What to Do If Your Dog Is Throwing Up White Foam

What to Do If Your Dog Is Throwing Up White Foam If you’re a dog owner, you know how concerning it can be when your furry companion starts exhibiting unusual symptoms. One issue that can cause alarm is when your dog is throwing up white foam. While it’s natural to feel worried, understanding the possible…

Dog Cold Symptoms In Cookeville And Crossville Tn

Signs, Symptoms, and Care for a Dog Cold

Signs, Symptoms, and Care for a Dog Cold Just like humans, dogs can catch colds, and it’s essential to know the signs and symptoms to provide the best care for your furry friend. If your dog is showing signs of a cold, or if you have any concerns about their health, remember that Best Friends…

Dog Tail Chewing In Cookeville And Crossville Tn

What Causes Dog Tail Chewing

What Causes Dog Tail Chewing Have you ever noticed your dog chewing on their tail? It might seem like just a quirky habit, but dog tail chewing can sometimes be a sign of underlying issues. In today’s post, we’re exploring why dogs chew their tails and what you can do to help them. If your…

Dog Dental Hygiene In Cookeville And Crossville Tn

Dog Dental Hygiene Hacks

Dog Dental Hygiene Hacks Keeping your dog’s teeth clean isn’t just about fresh breath; it’s about preventing health issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Good dog dental hygiene is key to a happy and healthy life for your furry friend. If you need advice or want to schedule a dental check-up for your dog,…

How To Tell If A Cat Is In Pain In Cookeville And Crossville Tn

Detecting Subtle Indicators of Pain or Discomfort in Cats

Detecting Subtle Indicators of Pain or Discomfort in Cats Cats are experts at hiding their pain, which can make it challenging to know when they need help. Understanding these subtle indicators is vital for their health and well-being. If you notice any signs of pain in your cat or have concerns about their health, please…

dog runny nose cookeville tennessee

Understanding and Treating Runny Noses in Dogs

Understanding and Treating Runny Noses in Dogs Does your dog have the sniffles? This isn’t an uncommon occurrence, but understanding the underlying causes of a dog’s runny nose plays an important role in providing them with proper care. In this blog, we’ll explore the various factors that may contribute to runny noses in dogs, additional…

dog exercise in crossville tennessee

Here’s How Much Exercise Your Dog Needs

Here’s How Much Exercise Your Dog Needs Is your dog getting the exercise they need each day to be their healthiest, happiest self? Like us, our pets need routine physical activity to stay both physically fit and mentally fit. Dogs that do not get sufficient exercise are more likely to gain weight, become bored, and…

can dogs eat potatoes in crossville tennessee

Can Dogs Eat Potatoes? Exploring the Safety of Potatoes for Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Potatoes? Exploring the Safety of Potatoes for Dogs You can boil them, mash them, and stick them in a stew. Potatoes are highly versatile vegetables that just about everyone loves, and dogs like them, too! But…is it truly OK to give your dog potatoes? Well, it isn’t a simple yes or no…

dog hip dysplasia in crossville tennessee

Understanding Dog Hip Dysplasia

Understanding Dog Hip Dysplasia Dog hip dysplasia is a prevalent condition in dogs, but it can also occur to a lesser extent in cats. Hip dysplasia often leads to discomfort and reduced mobility in our canine patients, which impacts their quality of life and puts them at risk for other health complications. At Best Friends…

dog licks carpet in cookeville tennessee

Why Dogs Lick Carpets: Causes and Solutions

Why Dogs Lick Carpets: Causes and Solutions We’ve all seen it – our furry friends meticulously grooming their paws, giving us those adorable ‘puppy eyes’ before returning to an unusual habit: licking the carpet. For many dog owners, this quirky behavior can cause a mix of amusement, confusion, and concern. This article aims to uncover…

Why Dog Microchipping Matters

Why Dog Microchipping Matters As responsible pet parents, we continuously seek ways to keep our furry friends safe. One effective solution has been gaining popularity – dog microchipping. But, you may wonder, why does dog microchipping matter?  At Best Friends Veterinary Hospital, we’re here to guide you through this pet care breakthrough. What is a…

Cat Ear Mites

Cat Ear Mites: What They Are and How to Treat Them

Cat Ear Mites: What They Are and How to Treat Them Welcome pet parents, to another informative blog from Best Friends Veterinary Hospital. Today, we’re exploring a common feline ailment: ear mites. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what cat ear mites are and how to effectively treat them. Remember,…

How To Trim Cat Nails

How to Trim Cat Nails Like a Pro

How to Trim Cat Nails Like a Pro Hey there, cat parents! We know how much you love your feline friend and want to provide them the best care possible. One task that can seem daunting but is super important for your cat’s well-being is nail trimming. While we don’t recommend taking on this task…

cat ear cleaning in Cookeville, TN

How to Clean Your Cat’s Ears 

How to Clean Your Cat’s Ears  Cats are some of the best self-groomers in the animal world. In fact, some cats spend more than half of their day grooming themselves. However, even a cat with a thorough grooming schedule still needs their ears checked every once in a while since they are located in a…

The Science Behind Cat Kneading: Understanding Your Pet’s Instincts

The Science Behind Cat Kneading: Understanding Your Pet’s Instincts Cat owners are no strangers to the wonderful sight of their feline friends regularly kneading their paws on soft surfaces. This unusual behavior, known as cat kneading, has fascinated pet lovers for many years. While it may appear random or perplexing, there is an intriguing scientific…